At JavaTap Coffee, we take pride in our full-service maintenance packages designed to keep your commercial coffee machines running smoothly and your customers satisfied. As a leading full-service coffee company, we understand the importance of touchless coffee machines, efficient maintenance, and top-notch customer service. Learn more about what our full-service maintenance includes, and contact us today.

blue coffee machine on office kitchen counter

Regular Monitoring & Upkeep

Included in our full-service maintenance is regular monitoring and upkeep of your commercial coffee machines by our dedicated team members. Our team members will conduct routine visits to confirm that your coffee machine is adequately stocked and functioning correctly.

person drinking coffee next to coffee machine

Regular Cleaning

During our routine visits, we also meticulously clean the commercial coffee machine and system and proactive resolution of any potential issues, guaranteeing that your touchless coffee machine is always primed and ready to brew without disruptions.

person drinking coffee next to standing coffee maker

Keep Your Supplies Updated

Our commitment extends to supplying all necessary items like stir sticks and creamers, creating a coffee shop-like experience within your business. Say goodbye to inconvenient trips to the store for more supplies — we have everything you need on hand for a seamless coffee service.

two branded coffee machines

Emergency Maintenance

If you have an emergency maintenance issue, we’ll be there within 24 hours. Our maintenance-free service for coffee machines offers a hassle-free experience, allowing you to focus on your business while we handle the upkeep.


JavaTap Coffee’s full-service maintenance package brings convenience, reliability, and a touch of luxury to your coffee service, enhancing customer satisfaction and streamlining operations. Experience the benefits of our all-encompassing maintenance solutions to elevate your coffee offerings to the next level. Embrace the convenience and professionalism of our services – it’s everything you need, right at your fingertips. Contact us today.